The Creole Pearly-eyes are small, brown, and tan butterflies. They have a single row of dark spots on their fore and hindwings. The Creole Pearly-eyes are shade-loving that like to hide within thick undergrowth and often perch head-down on tree trunks.


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Creole Pearly-eye Facts

Butterfly Family: Brush-footed Butterflies (Nymphalidae)

Butterfly Subfamily: Satyrinae

Butterfly Wingspan: 2 5/16 – 2 3/4 inches

Butterfly Habitat: Dense moist woods near large swamps and dense upland forests in the southern Appalachians


Creole Pearly-eye Host and Nectar Plants

Host Plants:

  • Switch Cane

Nectar Plants:

  • Tree Sap
  • Rotting Fruit