The Delaware Skipper is a bright orange butterfly. This small grass skipper has triangular-shaped, bright golden orange wings on the undersides, with a thin brown margin to the hindwing. The upperside of the wings is mostly orange with black along the margins. A wide black band crosses the lower margin of the forewings.


Delaware Skipper” by Ken Slade, licensed under (CC BY-NC 2.0)


Delaware Skipper Facts

Butterfly Family: Skipper (Hesperiidae)

Butterfly Subfamily: Hesperiinae

Butterfly Wingspan: 1 – 1 11/16 inches

Butterfly Habitat: Moist areas including marshes, prairies, fields, roadsides, and suburban yards


Delaware Skipper Host and Nectar Plants

Host Plants:

  • Big Bluestem Grass
  • Switch Grass
  • Wooly Beard Grass
  • Broomsedge Grass
  • Redtop Panic Grass
  • Giant Cane Grass
  • Maiden Grass

Nectar Plants:

  • Nectar from various flowers
    • Fleabane
    • Swamp Milkweed
    • Common Milkweed
    • Mountain Mint
    • Buttonbush
    • Thistles
    • Sweet Pepperbush
    • Pickerelweed
    • Purple Coneflower
    • Phlox
    • Zinnia