The Golden Banded-Skipper is a North and Central American butterfly. There are two populations, one in the eastern United States and the other in the southwestern United States and Mexico. The upperwings have a ground color of dark brown. A wide, golden-yellow band crosses the median portion of the forewing. A small white patch is present along the margin near the forewing apex. Both the fore- and hindwings have a narrow border checkered with yellow and brown. The underwing surface of the forewing is marked similarly as that above except somewhat paler. The hindwing beneath is dark brown and crossed by two to three darker bands.


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Golden Banded-Skipper Facts

Butterfly Family: Skipper (Hesperiidae)

Butterfly Subfamily: Pyrginae

Butterfly Wingspan: 1 3/8 – 2 inches

Butterfly Habitat: Damp, wooded ravines with permanent water sources


Golden Banded-Skipper Host and Nectar Plants

Host Plants:

  • Hog Peanut
  • Thicket Bean
  • Kudzu
  • Butterfly Pea

Nectar Plants:

  • Nectar from various flowers
    • Hollyhock
    • Common Milkweed
    • Thistle
    • Violet Wood Sorrel
    • Blackberry