The Sachem butterfly is a resident across the southern United States and southward to Brazil, South America. The uppersides of the male forewing is orange bordered with brown and have a large four-sided black stigma. The color of the uppersides of the female wings is dark brown with golden spots in the center but is highly variable, light to very dark. The uppersides of the female forewing has a black median spot and several semi-transparent spots. Females can always be identified by the square white transparent spot at the end of the forewing cell. The underside of wings on both sexes are variable but the female hindwing is brown with light-colored four-sided spots.


Sachem” by Victor Slade, licensed under (CC BY 2.0)


Sachem Facts

Butterfly Family: Skipper (Hesperiidae)

Butterfly Subfamily: Hesperiinae

Butterfly Wingspan: 1 1/4 – 1 5/8 inches

Butterfly Habitat: Disturbed, open areas such as roadsides, landfills, pastures, meadows, fencerows, yards, parks, and lawns


Sachem Host and Nectar Plants

Host Plants:

  • Bermuda Grass
  • Crabgrass
  • Goosegrass
  • St. Augustine Grass
  • Red Fescue Grass
  • Kentucky Blue Grass

Nectar Plants:

  • Nectar from various flowers
    • Dogbane
    • Swamp Milkweed
    • Common Milkweed
    • Buttonbush
    • Peppermint
    • Red Clover
    • Thistles
    • Asters
    • Tickseed Sunflower
    • Zinnia
    • Phlox
    • Mistflower
    • Ironweed
    • Joe-Pye Weed
    • Thistle
    • Blazing Star
    • Goldenrod
    • Lantana
    • Cosmos
    • Blue Sage
    • Mexican Sunflower
    • Blanket Flower