The Swarthy Skipper butterfly is a southern species that occasionally strays north. The Swarthy Skipper is a small skipper with the uppersides of both wings being dark brown, while the undersides of both wings are a lighter brown. The Swarthy Skipper has no distinct markings on either the fore or hindwings


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Swarthy Skipper Facts

Butterfly Family: Skipper (Hesperiidae)

Butterfly Subfamily: Hesperiinae

Butterfly Wingspan: 1 – 1 1/8 inches

Butterfly Habitat: Grassy, open areas such as sand barrens, meadows, hillsides, and fields


Swarthy Skipper Host and Nectar Plants

Host Plants:

  • Little Bluestem

Nectar Plants:

  • Nectar from various flowers
    • Red Clover
    • Tick Trefoil
    • Purple Vetch
    • New Jersey Tea
    • Peppermint
    • Blue Sage
    • Everlasting Pea
    • Wild Petunia
    • Blazing Star