West Tennessee Urban Areas

Includes: Mississippi Flood Plain, Coastal Plain, and West Tennessee Uplands



Memphis Botanic Garden

Area: Shelby County (Memphis)

Physiographic Region: Coastal Plain

Website: https://membg.org/


Dixon Gallery and Gardens

Area: Shelby County (Memphis)

Physiographic Region: Coastal Plain

Website: https://www.dixon.org/


Lichterman Nature Center

Area: Shelby County (Memphis)

Physiographic Region: Coastal Plain

Website: https://moshmemphis.com/explore/attractions/lichterman-nature-center/


Shelby Farms Park

Area: Shelby County (Memphis)

Physiographic Region: Coastal Plain

Website: https://www.shelbyfarmspark.org/


University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Garden

Area: Madison County (Jackson)

Physiographic Region: Coastal Plain

Website: https://westtn.tennessee.edu/ornamentals/


Cypress Grove Nature Park

Area: Madison County (Jackson)

Physiographic Region: Coastal Plain

Website: https://www.jacksontn.gov/government/departments/recreation_parks/public_parks/cypress_grove_nature_park__center